Do therapists make good money on betterhelp?

BetterHelp does not provide details of the amount of the payment to any counselor considering joining its team until the onboarding process begins. But we can talk about the wage structure. Unlike other platforms that pay their counselors by the hour, Betterhelp uses a participation-based model. Commitment-based compensation models distribute pay based on each time counselors engage in meaningful interactions with their clients.

Counselors do not receive commissions for their services through the platform. BetterHelp proposes to help licensed counselors and therapists find clients and manage an online mental health office. But you give price control to the platform. And pay is the only complaint counselors consistently have about BetterHelp.

That said, if you're relatively new to counseling and need to set up an online practice, the BetterHelp website gets millions of hits every month. Presumably, most of those visitors are looking for services like yours. So you're likely to get a lot of regular referrals here. That said, since the platform restricts your ability to charge for your extensive training and experience, we consider BetterHelp to be a temporary solution to cover opening hours during slow periods.

Experienced therapists, especially in expensive urban areas, can earn considerably more on their own. Here's a direct link to the BetterHelp site.

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